Monday, April 26, 2010

The Best Burger Ever!

OMG – Look at this thing of beauty! We had gilled hamburgers over the weekend and I’m not ashamed to say – we had them twice. They were THAT good! I love that something as simple as a terrific, juicy burger can instantly make everything right with the world – at least till you swallow the last bite!
The hubs and I found these awesome buns in the bakery department of our local market (Fred Meyer – aka Kroger in other parts of the country). They had melted cheddar cheese and sliced jalapenos on them and the very second we saw them we said –“We gotta have burgers on those tonight!” We’d been planning on making a Mexican lasagna, but the very site of these beautiful buns whisked that idea away in an instant!

The buns were soft on the inside and just a slight crust on the outside. The jalapenos gave each bite just a tiny hint of heat and jalapeno flavor. They were – in a word – perfect.

We cooked up a few slices of bacon, sliced some sweet onion and red, ripe tomato and I shredded some lettuce – I LOVE shredded lettuce on a burger WAY more than big ol’ flat lettuce leaves – there’s more crunch!
I put the tomato and onion between the burger patty and bottom bun. All those fresh veggies on top of a slice of melted cheese can get too slippery – not that a messy, drippy burger isn’t terrific, but it’s nice when it can all stay together too – you get every flavor in every bite. I suppose it doesn’t photograph as pretty – but hey, just check out that close-up shot, above!

Mmmm…wish I had one now! Next chance you get - make yourself a great burger - there is nothing better!

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