Monday, April 20, 2009

Pizza Any Way We Can Get It.....

I could just about marry this picture - that's how much I love it. Doughy, cheesy, juicy - I'm asking you, does it get any better?! This is the pizza I made for my daughter yesterday before it went into the oven. Yes, this is the 'before' picture and - to me - it's better looking than the 'after'...
Though the 'after' don't suck -know what I'm sayin'?!?! ;-) This pizza is an individual-sized pie and it's extra velvety in that it has an added extra ingredient - now, don't hate.....and Paula Deen, if yer out there sweetheart, show me some love - cause the secret ingredient is....mayo. Now calm down, calm down, it's just a touch of mayo. Jeeze-Louise, the cheese in a pizza alone could kill ya so let's not fret over a little Best Foods!

Made on a crust that I stretched from a fresh ball of dough from the grocery store (the in-house pizza place makes and sells balls of dough in the cheese/meat dept), the topping is simple and heavenly delicious. Sprinkle the dough with just a little mozzerella, top with sliced roma tomatoes, then plop down spoonfuls of of a mixture of mozz, crushed garlic, fresh chopped basil and enough mayo to just bind the cheese - no soupy glop goin on here! Carefully spread the cheese mixture over and around the tomatoes, then bake till it's bubblin' and the crust golden. Want specific measurements? Let me know! Meanwhile....

The rest of the ball of dough was stretched into more individual-sized crusts and brushed with olive oil.

And just look how happy it got after it took a nice tan on the bbq! Soft brown with terrific grill marks - just the way we like it! The crusts then came back inside the house to be topped with all sorts of goodness.... Grilled peppers and onions, turkey pepperoni, cheese and grilled shrimp!

This is my husband's creation - believe me, there are tons of veggies under all that shrimp and pep! It's the fun of individual grilled (or oven) pizzas - everyone gets what they want. Mine was equally as good - just not as pretty....this time - so his gets the limelight....this one time :-)

Pizza on the grill is easy and so totally yummy. If you've never tried it, make this the spring/summer you give it a go. You can have traditional toppings or the veggie route is especially good in the grilling season - but you could use chicken, herbs and spices, funky cheeses, salmon - the possibilities are endless! While grilled meats and chicken are really tsaty, they can get a tad boring if you cook-out a lot- so try something different and delicious! Grilled pizza is summer bbq fun!

1 comment:

Luckylynette said...

That looks awesome!! I will try it as soon as it stops raining!!