The Hubs has been out of work for several weeks (this economy sucks!) and besides keeping our lawn looking pristine in these early fall days and folding daily loads of laundry, he's started what might very well be called a TV affair with Ina Garten (above is her spaghetti and meatballs).
When I imagine him watching her show and backing up the DVR as needed to make sure he gets the recipe written down completely, it reminds me of the movie Mr. Mom and the scene where Michael Keaton and other gentlemen waiting for the same job interview begin exchanging recipes amongst each other.
Actually, I love that he's taking the bull by the horns. He dons an apron and guards what he's simmering.... I DO have to admit it's hard for me to give up the reins in the kitchen because not only do I usuakky do about 90% of the cooking, but I totally enjoy it too. I'm a bit of a control freak - I think I've admitted that here before.
Anyway... it's been fun to have him whip up dishes he has taken a liking to and not having to lift a finger once I get home from work is pretty fun! I get to come home, change clothes, get in a workout and sit down to a tasty meal. Having him off work is certainly not the ideal, but a shining dish at dinner time helps to put a positive spin on a less fortunate situation.
Thanks for cookin' Poppy!
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