I know most schools don’t start up until the day or two after Labor Day – but one we moved to Ridgefield, WA a few years ago, we found out they operate a little differently. They start up the week before Labor Day!! What is up with that?!?! Starting school in August when all you’ve ever known is for school to start in September is aggravating each and every year to say the least – but you gotta do whatcha gotta do! We were blessed with a cherry on the cake this year….Labor Day comes so late I September that school didn’t start until 9/2 for us…that was kinda nice, yes…but it’d still be better to wait till after the holiday – I mean…it’s the last vaca of the summer! Oh well…..what’s done is done.
Although I didn’t do anything to ‘celebrate’ the first day of school this year, last year I had a pretty awesome surprise for my daughter on her return from her first big day of high school. Now….the treat I made her was probably more suited to younger kids – but a frosted, decorated sugar cookie is a frosted, decorated sugar cookie – know what I’m sayin’?!?! So she got to come home to these….

Now, I made my own templates for the cookies out of cardboard – but maybe you could find cutters in a well-supplied art/decorating store. But I hadn’t really planned ahead and had decided to make these the day before school began – so I had to make my patterns on the fly – but I think they turned out dang cute!
Maybe this posting is early enough for some of you to try these for your own kiddies this year. They make school just a little bit sweeter!
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