That’s pronounced, “Mawk-a-rone” ….not “Mack-a-roon” (although lots of people say macaroon anyway) - (and this post will be presented in 4 parts as I found out the HARD way Blogger only accepts so many pics per post!). While a macaroon is a coconut mound of a cookie, a macaron is a delectable, French sandwich cookie that has a light, wafer-crisp shell with a dense, moist and chewy inside and has a creamy filling of salted peanut butter, chocolate ganache, salted caramel or anything else you choose!
Holy cow….if any of you know what macarons are, you know that lots of people avoid attempting them. For having very few ingredients (almond flour, powdered & granulated sugar, cocoa and egg whites), these cookies involve many steps, many particulars and can scare people away. I’ve eaten a macaron only once when a gal at work brought some in that she’d made. I was in love after the first bite and immediately started investigating them. I have to admit, at first I was a little put off – from aging the eggs whites for a few days to possibly having to grind my own nut flour to allowing them to dry before baking not to mention any sort of humidity or missteps could affect their success (or failure) in myraid ways….. Maybe they were too daunting to try – so many blogs described trouble after trouble!
Well, macarons floated in and out of my head over the months since my first tasting and this last week, the ‘floater’ finally stuck. I studied like I never had in school! I read every blog I could find, noting kinks in others attempts. I watched several youtube tutorials – one which was so awesome, featuring a French chef going through the whole process step by step. Now, I don’t speak French, but had read so much about making these little lovelies that it was pretty clear what was being said (special thanks to Javene and friend to translating those couple of key items!). As it turned out – all the things that people are intimidated by can be avoided pretty easily or really aren’t anything worth be scared off by! I can say with surety that I was extremely clear on how to get these beauties to turn out. I was up to the challenge and I had no expectation other than success in mind.
I looked forward to my Sunday baking session like one looks forward to Christmas morning….. I was that excited! So ladies and gents….I present – The Making of Macarons!!

Next, fold in the flour mixture – added in three parts – folding until each addition is well incorporated.
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